The larger the number, the smaller the
needle. I use a 16 gauge on calves and a 14 gauge on my "Long Shot", which
is a great tool for giving shots to cows in pasture. It is a telescoping
fiberglass rod with a hefty syringe on the end. The medication is
automatically ejected into the cow's muscle upon contact. I can sneak up
behind a cow while she is eating hay, jab her in a hindquarter muscle,
and she has been vaccinated or treated before she knows what hit her.
Usually they jump a bit, thinking they must have been bitten by a large
Yellowjacket. This tool works for cows! Don't think I would
recommend it for horses.
Just a quick question - not sure how needle size works and I'm wondering
if 18g is smaller than 20g (I think its the opposite, right? 18g is bigger). I
don't have both types to compare. Is there something smaller than both of
these that is generally available?