Hi Lysane: I would feel her whole body for excess hot/warmer locations
first. As far as the swelling, I would use the hose at least twice a day to
reduce the swelling.
Five minutes of Hydro with a needle spray on all swelling sites, this will
cause additional circulation to have the blood stream take out the bad and bring
in the good clean blood and antibodies.
Depending on your pasture conditions if mud can get to the wounds, I would
use a mild soap liquid to clean the areas of injuries with a small one foot by
one foot turkish towel to clean and debride any dried blood or other discharges
and again if the wounds can get dirty, Just a light warp will protect as you in
my opinion what it loose so that you keep the circulation without undue
I wound use a anti biotitic cream maybe mixed with the E- paste that you
are now using.
Test this mixture on your wrist first for any unexpected results.
p/s I am not a vet
Steven Proe doing the same thing now but with a real cut all is well.
While I was at work yesterday, my horse went through a fence trying
to follow another horse who had broken a board and got into the next field. My
mare though didn't get over and was sort of stuck, half on one side of the
fence, half on the other. When the barn manager got there, she saw my mare and
went over to help her out. But before she could, my mare busted her way
through the rest of the fence. She took lots of fur off of her legs in doing
this, right down to the skin. In most places it wasn't bleeding just very
sensitive. In one or two small spots it seems that it was scraped down to a
second layer of skin, but no blood either. She has just two small cuts near
the coronet band where the skin lifted up a little. It bled some but stopped
I cleaned everything up carefully and applied a vitamin E cream to the
parts where she has no fur. I have been hosing with cold water and
walking her. Not sure there is much else to do (?)
She went outside today since I didn't really think keeping her in a stall
was going to do her any good. She is sore of course, and was keeping her
hind legs under a bit, shifting weight from one to the other but she
walks out fine without a limp. She is a little stiff when turning. Her legs
are swollen some and she has swelling from the bottom of one hock to
mid-cannon, in between the cannon bone and the tendon.
Mostly, I'm worrying about her front legs (should I bandage?) and the
swelling on the hind leg. Anyone ever have this happen? First time she ever
went through a fence...