I'm married to a very much horsey type ( farrier) and he's said to me more
than once (seeing all kinds of horses & riders in his clientele) that one of
the most insideous worst kinds of horse abuse is to have a horse and not do
anything with it.
When you see a fit, healthy endurance horse eating up trail ears
pricked forward - what horse could be happier than that??
I've known lots of sport horses and invariably those retired to
pasture full time after a career or injury end up quite depressed unless they
are made to feel that they are still part of it all - that could be grooming or
light riding or playing buddy to some foals or whatever... I think we all need
to feel useful or have a purpose and horses are no exception.
As for getting preg - well Mell, I've decided I won't! Interferes too much
with horsey life!
When and if ( ever) you are dying to have a child you'll put up with the
drawbacks like a lot of my friends have but I honestly believe that if you
are thinking about all the drawbacks of reproducing like you are right now...
you are NOT ready!!
We've decided on no kids, but had a foal and some puppies instead!
We are also the ones riding preg friends' horses and always give the same
gift at baby showers: a prime quality Merino wool seat saver for mum for once
she gets back to riding
as for the family pressuring you - well, ignore them! Easier said than done
but it's YOUR life and you need to do what makes YOU happy.
When we get questions on when there will be a baby etc. we just answer that
for the moment we are practising ( a lot ) - that shuts them up all right!
I am married to the non-horsey
type and get a mix of comments. Luckily I can read him well enough to
know which ones to ignore and which ones need education.
For the most
part he is supportive and will pitch in on chores and care. He
encourages me to go riding and will continue to do so until I am gone so
much that he is threatened by it. He realizes that the horses are what
makes me happy. I have come to realize that no matter how much I want
it, he will never participate with me in equine activities.
I see a
huge problem on the horizon. The family is pressuring us to reproduce
and I am holding off as long as I can because I know that there will be
problems. Riding while pregnant would cause major battles as would my
refusal to sell horses just because I have been "blessed" with a dependant
life form that everyone thinks should cause me to end my life's enjoyment
just so my world can revolve around it. Yup, if I ever get pregnant,
WWIII will happen at my place. Everyone just assumes that the horses
would go away and that is dead wrong.
How do you gals do it?
and we keep our money seperate because of the horses - every now and then I
get a comment about how much money I put into the horses...and how I go
without other things to do it. I relpy with "it is my money and my