Well I just came in from feeding my dumb,
mute , alien horse children = who informed me very clearly that they
wanted their beet pulp and = cookies by doing a series of charades such as
picking up the feed bowl = and tossing it. The other not so mute doggie
children informed me I feed the horses to = well cause the poop is to good
tasting to not sample. And in all this kerflufful TM I whispered at the
top of my lungs = HEY!!!STOP IT and amazingly they all stopped dead and
turned to look at me. Then moved = out of my way so I could feed them. Wow
all this Equinese learned from the net.....lol Amazing
................................. Paddi P.S. my boy Sidney says he resents
being called an alien and will now = need professional help Dr.Q do you
specialize in horse psychiatry. Sidney is in need of an = emergency