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Re: [RC] Need advice--horse won't stand still - Don HustonHello Chip,I would not try hobbles yet your horse is too green and scared. I do not know how high your hitch rails are but we found that low rails (3.5') combined with a tie rope or chain that is too short will panic a lot of green horses. The best way to teach a horse to tie is with a very sturdy ring fastened 6 ft off the ground on the side of a sturdy barn wall that has no obstructions within 15ft in all directions and where there is a lot of activity. Tie with a sturdy rope just long enough to touch the ground (6ft). Tie the horse there and leave him for a while and let him struggle without anybody yelling at him. Let him figure out that he is not getting away. When he quits struggling and stands for a bit get him off and go for a walk, get some grass or hay and a drink and then back to the wall if you have the time. After several days when he calms a bit start grooming him there. When he moves around follow and keep brushing, pick up his feet over and over, don't give any orders just teach him you are not going to hurt him in any way when he's tied. Put some food there. You don't have to actually groom him but run your hands everywhere. Go away and do something else (clean tack) come back and run hands everywhere. When you can walk up and he stands while you run hands everywhere then bring the saddle pad. Start easy, let him smell it, rub his shoulder with it, slide it gently onto his back but never let loose of it. When he moves just slide the pad off and start over. Work up to where you can swing the pad up on his back and plop it down like a saddle and reach under for the imaginary cinch. I do not use "whoa" during any of this. I do talk to him (chatter is more like it) but it's usually just nonsense (like rap). IMHO the horse has to know what you want (stand still) before the "whoa" means anything. Eventually work up to leaving the horse tied there all day and the more activity around him the better. Good Luck, Don Huston At 03:46 PM 1/1/2006 Sunday, you wrote: I'm sure as the work with my new 9-year-old green broke Arab continues, I will be constantly seeking advice from you guys...here's the latest: Now that he's stopped pulling back and panicking when he's tied, he won't stand still. I can barely saddle him. I feel like we're doing a combination tarantella and mambo while I try to reach for the girth, keep the saddle in place and not get stepped on. He knows "whoa", but it only works for a few seconds. I've tried lunging him first, and also have tried having another horse tied nearby. I've noticed he's gotten worse about this since they've closed the doors for the winter and he can't see out (the hitching rails are at one end of the indoor arena). Once I'm on him--while not what you'd call a relaxing ride--he's pretty well-behaved, and is better outside on the trail. It's just that he frets a lot while tied. I'm confident he will probably settle down eventually, but I'd appreciate suggestions. There is a man where we board who has used hobbles with his own horses, and I'm wondering if they would help. I have no experience with them and am a little leery. Thanks in advance