[RC] Need advice--horse won't stand still - Chipnml
I'm sure as the work with my new 9-year-old green broke Arab continues, I
will be constantly seeking advice from you guys...here's the latest: Now
that he's stopped pulling back and panicking when he's tied, he won't stand
still. I can barely saddle him. I feel like we're doing a
combination tarantella and mambo while I try to reach for the girth, keep the
saddle in place and not get stepped on. He knows "whoa", but it only works
for a few seconds. I've tried lunging him first, and also have tried
having another horse tied nearby. I've noticed he's gotten worse
about this since they've closed the doors for the winter and he can't see out
(the hitching rails are at one end of the indoor arena). Once I'm on
him--while not what you'd call a relaxing ride--he's pretty well-behaved, and is
better outside on the trail. It's just that he frets a lot while
tied. I'm confident he will probably settle down eventually, but I'd
appreciate suggestions. There is a man where we board who has used hobbles
with his own horses, and I'm wondering if they would help. I have no
experience with them and am a little leery. Thanks in advance