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[RC] Toxic plants - misc notes - Diane TrefethenSherman wrote:
Here is a site that lists poisonous garden plants (I assume they mean poisonous to humans). For the tomato, the parts listed as poisonous are vines, sprouts and leaves. For the potato, GREEN and spoiled potatoes, sprouts and unripe berries. http://chppm-www.apgea.army.mil/ento/PLNTGRDN.HTM According to http://www.felinefuture.com/nutrition/tomato.php, the fruit of the tomato plant contains very small amounts of the alkaloid Solanine which is not harmful to humans but can be toxic in relatively small amounts to cats. According to Cornell University, http://www.ansci.cornell.edu/plants/toxicagents/steroid.html, solanum-type glycoalkaloids found in potatoes and tomatos CAN NOT be destroyed by cooking or drying at high temperatures. [My note: perhaps boiling leaches some portion of the alkaloids out of the potato into the water?] According to the University of Maryland, http://www.life.umd.edu/classroom/bsci124/lec30.html, potato tubers contain solanine but the toxic dose for a human is about 100 potatoes. Greened or damaged potatoes are much more poisonous and can cause death. http://www.yourhorseshealth.com/health_care/vet_tip1004.html discusses horse treats, including bananas, potato chips, hamburgers (safe) and potato or tomato plants, mustards, peach pits (poisonous). Purdue University: http://www.vet.purdue.edu/depts/addl/toxic/plant42.htm Nightshade plants are moderately poisonous because though the plant is very toxic, they taste so badly that most horses won't eat them and "In one report, one to ten pounds of plant material was potentially lethal for a horse". And later, "Sprouts and sunburned (green) or spoiled potato tubers should not be mixed in feed because they also contain solanine. Vines of tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum, nightshade family) contain similar glycoalkaloids." =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Ridecamp is a service of Endurance Net, http://www.endurance.net. Information, Policy, Disclaimer: http://www.endurance.net/Ridecamp Subscribe/Unsubscribe http://www.endurance.net/ridecamp/logon.asp Ride Long and Ride Safe!! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=