Re: [RC] Barefoot Bias - summing up - Skippykemerer1
This may be flaming on my part:) Some people have a belief that
their position on any subject is right....therefore the opposite position
by definition is wrong. Because of this belief, IF they allowed the
other position to be right, they'd have to be wrong... very hard for people to
admit. If fact (at least my version of the facts (all facts are subject to
interpretation or based on an agreed upon theorem)) (as is the previous
statement but it is my bias and I own it) :) any of these postulations of
late, whether it be barefoot/shod; electrolyte or not during conditioning; use
of borium or not; all are situational and preference based decisions
individualriders must make for
their horse and their ridingstyle based upon their
situation and no one else's.