Someone on this list wants me to identify myself as a neophyte to horses
and to long distance riding in general.
So I have no embrassment over that. It's true.
Only four years in horses. Never a long-distance ride over 25 miles.
Only the 35-50 miles a week for a few years on the same barefoot
horse. Then another barefoot horse that I am transitioning. A lot of love. A lot
of labor.
Just like a lot of people who go barefoot and a lot of people who
All I am trying to defend is logic that barefoot is a choice and that a lot
of people dont' make that choice because they can't/don't want to put the work
in that it involves OR they think barefoot doesn't work. Which is fine. Barefoot
DOESN'T always work. Especially if you don't put the work into it that it
requires. Or if you force your horse to do too much too soon on his feet.
God knows I couldn't do an endurance race over rocks right now. No way, no
how. I have made the choice to let that be okay.