Re: [RC] just be honest about the hows and they whys and we can live in peace - LTYearwood
Nope. I'm not going to shrivel up and go away.
I didnt' insinuate I'm better than anyone else.
I said that it is a choice. And that if you can't assume a horse is going
to have "bloody stumps" without first going through conditioning that horse,
providing it with a natural environment, trimming it appropriately, ect.,
To assume that you would have "bloody stumps" with conditioning,
natural environment, trimming ect -- but not acutally doing those things
-- that is a jump in logic.
I do NOT advocate not riding.
I do advocate watching out for your horse.
It seems to me that when we were talking about the 100 mile race, many
people on this post were for the horse no matter what. That pulling out was
okay, and a good thing.
You say: "It likewise isn' t healthy to leave a horse barefoot if he
is being asked to work in terrain that will damage his feet."
All I am saying is WHO is asking the horses to work in terrain that will
damage his feet? And whoever that person is, did they condition the horse and
provide it with what it needed for success?
Or did they simply choose NOT to go that route and to shoe.
I agree -- don't subject a barefoot horse to a 50 mile ride to which
it is not ready.
But don't tell me you are shoeing because barefoot doesn't work, can't
work, ect.
We are all making choices.
Mine is based on the agenda of having my horse barefoot. Yep. And having
him be healthy. So for so good and I get to ride, too.