Don't know where u get your shoes
but......... I have not found shoe sizes to be consistent unless you only
use the same brand and same style. Maybe that is the indicator that there
is no consistency to much of anything? Oh, well.
Well I have really enjoyed the comments about what happens when
"Big Brother" starts telling us what to do as in the OSHA Cowboy, what a
hoot. However, I think we could all benefit from the use of a set of
standard shapes. The reason being that if you have finally found a
saddle that fits your horse just right and it is made to shape 5 for
example then, in theory, if you want a new saddle of a different style
you could get it in shape 5 and expect a good fit. Big Brother would not
dictate the fit just a uniformity in shape just like shoe sizes. A size 9
boot is the same size inside (almost) as a size 9 loafer, etc. Just my