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Re: [RC] Hyponatremia - rides2far

one of them suggested I give her 1/2 a dose of lytes and remove her 
water> for 30-60 minutes, after which she was fine. They felt she was a
overhydrated. I'm not certain, but that could have been the case.

Overhydrated, or underelectrolyted? The way I understand it, the mix is
important and it's better to have the right "mix" and less of it than to
have extra water that dilutes the mix (intracellular fluid?) Very simple
layman (my) visual image. Am I right in that thinking? If this horse had
the electrolytes in it...would this same amount of water have been "to

I have only seen one horse (pony) that I would think might do this. He
was just a compulsive drinker. Never did endurance, but drank gallons and
gallons a day and would pee clear as spring water 2 times in a one hour
ride. He leaned towards cresty and I figured had some stuff going on
inside along with his compulsive drinking.



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