I first met Tom in the 80s. I have used
interval training ever since. I am not as good at it as I was when I was
younger but it is the mainstay of my conditioning program for over 20
years. Yes it works. I did very well on Santee in the 80s, placed
consistently in the top ten, won some, and even with my light weight managed
some best conditions. My main ride now, Maggie, has also been conditioned
with IT. She has over 5400 miles under her belt, am working towards that
6000, she is as sound as a dollar (knock on wood), and Tom has always answered
my questions. One needs to understand one's own gameplan, listen to all
advice including Tom's, then figure out what is best for that horse on any given
day. But one isn't going to go anywhere without conditioning, one isn't
going to go anywhere without considering all options. Jeanie
PS Thanks Tom