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[RC] Charles B. -
tamara medeiros
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Re: [RC] [RC] cost of rides -
[RC] ride costs bare bones - Paddi
Last weekend I had so much fun at a ride in Sask Canada
It was truly bare bones.
Tara McLeod and her daughter and I went early.
Dr Trish Dowling who was putting on the ride said. There should be an out house in the bush if no one burnt it down.
Horse water was a lake I could back the truck up to and fill buckets.
It came complete with about 60 cows and calves with a REALLY BIG red bull.
They just wandered through camp and tried to eat the horse hay until enough riders showed up to scare them off
Camping was rough in a beautiful meadow, no meals (we organized a BIG pot luck breakfast for Sunday morning)
If you needed it you brought it with you.
Tara and I laughed about prizes for next year.
I told everyone to bring what ever they wanted for a prize and win it.
(Trish did have ribbons)
Think of the things you could win your prize for.
Best sponger
Slowest horse
Grey arab doing his first 50
Rider with hairest legs and best farmer tan
The ride entries were $40 for the LD
$65 for the 50
and $100 for the 100
all profits were to equine research and the WCVM and the vets and volunteers were from the school
We all had soooooooooooooo much fun
You don't need frills, potties , food you just need good friends on good horses and a well marked trail
(I must confess I got lost) but the trail was well marked
4 provinces were there British Columbia, Alberta , Sask and Manitoba
Check a map that is a BIG spread (37 riders total)Big ride for Sask.
Tara drove for 2 days from BC.
Gas is about $3.60 to $3.80 a gallon USD and we make the stuff here
Happy Trails Ya can't take it with you so spend it and have fun
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[RC] Charles B. -
tamara medeiros
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[RC] Charles B.