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Re: [RC] CTR thumbs down post - Nancy Sturm

Jessica's horse may be well able to do super fast early LD's, but ours
wasn't - and we love this horse.  A former owner  rode our Standardbred
(shortly after he left the track) in a halter and finished 25 miles in
2:08, placing sixth.  One would have to assume the six riders were racing,
and that the OT horse joined in, perhaps without rider approval.

Anyway, even though he passed a pre-purchase and was declared sound in two
subsequent "we think he's off" exams, he got pulled at the first vet check
on his second LD.  They were riding a sensible middle-of-the-pack ride.
Ultrasound showed an old injury and he is just finishing up 30 days of
stall rest and 30 days of very light (at a walk) riding before he returns
for a second ultrasound.

Naturally, as his current owners, we wish his former owner had opted to go
a little slower on his first time out.

Nancy Sturm

[Original Message]
From: Laney Humphrey <laneyhh@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: <ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 8/24/2005 8:05:51 PM
Subject: Re: [RC]   CTR thumbs down post

Jessica, you may well be correct that your horse is ready and able to do 
fast LDs.  I think the point Jonni was making was that there may not be 
any damage or injury from one race, at least any that is apparent.  But, 
there might be the beginnings of damage that will only show up later. 
 From the way you describe your horse and your pre-endurance riding, 
your horse should be ready to start his endurance career.  Jonni and 
many others just feel that it's better to start even a superbly athletic 
and well conditioned horse out slow and build up speed over a year or so.
      Please continue to post about how you and your horse are doing and best 
of luck to you for a long and happy endurance career!

Jessica B wrote:
Jonni > I thank you for all the information and advice you have given 
me. However I do not feel that by riding fast LD's I am hurting my 
horse. As I said before, he has been ridden long distances quite often 
for 2 years now, and not at a walk or slow trott either. My horse
out well and looked good, alert and sound that evening after it. It was 
only a 35 mile ride, however my horse did eat and drink at both vet 
checks, plus drank in the river.
I am 21 years old and respect your opinion. However I have gotten many 
opinions from other riders who are older than I who have done it for 
years, and they felt that Dodger was physically ready to do a fast LD.
do have my horse's welfare in my best interests. I conditioned him for 
almost a year before I even entered a ride, went to a CTR clinic
me a lot, I highly recommend it to other new comers such as myself),
got advice from experienced riders in my area. I AM NOT a rider who 
feels my horse is disposable. I have had him since he was 2 (he's 7
and plan on using him for endurance for many many years to come.
Truman > "The basic reason was she was 8 years old before she did her 
first LD"
Very good point!! My horse is 7 years old and physically and 
mentally fully mature. He has been out on the trails since he was 5,
competing but learning to go through water, over bridges, etc...etc... 
That was both of our first LD, and I have to say that I am very glad I 
decided to do it on my "mature" horse.

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