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[RC] O-F saddles - Jonni - Ridecamp Guest

Please Reply to: gary jgranch@xxxxxxx or ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Jonni,  Many of the last OF saddles were built on the system III and IV.  These 
panels did not work well on any of their saddles. The softer the panel the more 
the problems. The best system ever built was the system II. Only one company 
uses this type system today and it has been modified to work at peak 
performance. http://www.4asaddle.com We are not experiencing the problems other 
companies are. Flex Panel Saddles work well when designed properly.

The new panels built by AF and OF are problems waiting for an accident to 
happen. Many are breaking or are to weak and can cause serious injury to you or 
your horse. Engineering wise they are not designed for fit or comfort of your 
horse, they were designed to get new patents for their saddles.  They are also 
rushing to get their market share of the flex panel system saddles.

A flex panel saddle will work and distribute your weight better than any other 
type of saddle available today. Most distribute the average riders weight at 
less than 1/2 pound per square inch.  A standard saddle distributes the 
averager riders weight at the rate of 4 to 6 pounds of pressure per squaare 
inch. Ask yourself or any expert in the field; At what point does damage 
occur????? Remember to choose the Saddle company carfully when you purchase a 
new saddle.

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