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[RC] OT -- Question On Giving Dog Oral Medication - Ridecamp Guest

Please Reply to: Laurie Underwood laurieunderwood@xxxxxxxxxxx or 

I know this is waaaayyyy OT, but I know many of you out there must have run 
into this before.

My husband and I have a very sick dog.  She is suffering from a condition 
caused and complicated by a pseudomonas infection, and part of her treatment 
calls for a low fat diet plus oral antibiotics and a substance called Rutin.

In the beginning we were able to hide her meds in fat free cheese.  She wised 
up to that and began spitting out the pills, so we moved to turkeydogs.  When 
that stopped working, we went back to giving meds orally, but the little rat 
now immediately closes her throat when she knows she's about to be medicated, 
and eventually she spits the pill out of the side of her mouth (despite the 
fact that her jaws are held shut).  She is a 70 pound dog with a good deal of 
bite force and a very strong head and neck.  Oh, and she also spends about 5 
minutes gagging after we perform this trick.

Our latest efforts involved crushing the pills and adding them to fat free 
frozen vanilla yogurt.  That worked for about two weeks, and then we changed 
flavors when she started refusing the vanilla.  She now refuses the new flavor. 
Low fat peanut butter and jelly don't work either, nor does totally dissolving 
the meds in a small amount of water and adding them to the yogurt.

Other than refusing her meds, she is eating like a champ and acting pretty much 
like her normal self.

I am about to buy an apothecary pill dispenser but am skeptical of the claims 
that it's an easy way to give meds to a dog.

Anyone out there have any other ideas?  Thanks for your help.

Laurie Underwood

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