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[RC] To Andrea - Ridecamp Guest

Please Reply to: ti Tivers@xxxxxxx or ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Question for Dr Ivers please.>>

Not a Dr. heidi is, or was, one of those.

I'll admit I got a bit confused whilst trying to learn about the above
subjects.  I
certainly don't expect another explanation - I'll go and re-read the posts -
but would
like a suggestion on what I could feed during and after a race to cover the
above.  I live
in South Africa and am therefore not able to access some of the products already
mentioned. Is there not something more basic that would cover the basis?  How
something as simple as carrots and dates?>

Both are useful, if you can get the horse to eat them mid-loop. they should be 
ingested finishing 15 minutes before leaving a VC and mid loop of a loop 15 
miles or longer. You could put them in a blender with water and mix them for 
dosing during a loop. As always, practice before trying it in a ride.


Kind Regards


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