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RE: [RC] lost horses - Dolores ArsteHorses
are very good at scenting things. There are some folks on the west coast that
are teaching horses scent discrimination and use horses to help find downed
course, when a few horses get out, it depends on what they are looking for. They
may not be trying too hard to find the way home. If you've moved recently, I've
found they make a bee line for the OLD home. Even at trails far, far away if you
give them their heads and send them home, they'll head for their real home, not
however, they get lost, I've found they are most comfortable following other
horses smells. They like it when other horses or they have been to a place
that said, I'm sure as Ed said some are better than others at wilderness
survival. Here's a funny dog story for you. Our friends raised Siberian Huskies
as did we. We taught our Siberians to come to "here cookie, cookie" our friends
kept rabbits near the kennel. If the dogs got out, they'd always be found trying
to find a way into the rabbit hutch.