While my horse hauling for friends is not endurance related, I've had some
who ask me to take their horse 200 miles for breeding, then back to pick it up,
etc offering to pay for gas (I wasn't even taking a horse anywhere on these
occasions) when the time came to put the gas in she pipes up with 'I've got $20
to my name'....OMG! I just considered it lesson learned and find that I'm
busy at times when she's needing a horse hauled - recently asked me to drive to
Dallas (from Austin a 3+ hour drive one way) to pick up her new draft
horse....Sorry! way too busy to do that one!~
Boy I really learned my lesson the hard way when it came to hauling
other's horses. Not only did I NOT get more than exactly half the gas,
but when this person won a raffle horse that neither one of us knew how it
would travel in my brand new trailer... I hauled it back 350 miles with
absolutly NO extra compensation.
However I will say that not one person that I've ever hauled to a ride
did I ever NOT have a great time. Lots of laughs and good times.
When it comes to money and thinking how things should be even I think to
myself how lucky I am just to be doing this sport and helping someone
out. Friendship really is more important than money, at least to