[RC] Fw: [AussieEndurance] life saving info - Tom Sites
By subscribing to the Aussie Yahoo Chat i have come
across many interesting things. I contacted the Moderator and asked if i
could Forward messages and was told i could, as long as proper
acknowlegement was made, so here is the first. We all should consider
this. ts
Someone sent me this and I thought it might be a
good idea for horse riders too. I know lots of people train alone and
carry their phones with them. If you come off your horse and are injured it
might actually be very handy for those who come to your rescue if you can't
tell them your details.
Cheers Chrisann
> >ICE - In
Case of Emergency > >A campaign encouraging people to enter an
emergency contact number in their >mobile phone's memory under the
heading ICE (In Case of Emergency), has
>rapidly spread throughout the
world as a particular consequence of last
>week's terrorist attacks in
London. > >Originally established as a nation-wide campaign in the
UK, ICE allows >paramedics or police to be able to contact a designated
relative / >next-of-kin in an emergency situation. > >The idea
is the brainchild of East Anglian Ambulance Service
paramedic Bob >Brotchie and was launched in May this year. Bob, 41, who
has been a >paramedic for 13 years, said: "I was reflecting on some of the
calls I've >attended at the roadside where I had to look through the
mobile phone >contacts struggling for information on a shocked or injured
person. Almost >everyone carries a mobile phone now, and with ICE we'd
know immediately who >to contact and what number to ring. The person
may even know of their >medical
history." > > > >By adopting the ICE advice, your mobile
will help the rescue services >quickly contact a friend or relative -
which could be vital in a life or >death situation. It only takes a few
seconds to do, and it could easily
>help save your life. Why not put
ICE in your phone now? Simply select a >new contact in your phone
book, enter the word 'ICE' and the number of the >person you wish to be
contacted. > >
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