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[RC] Bitless, sidepull, hackmore... - mjwest02I just wanted to THANK YOU ALL for your suggestions to my question about bitless vs. sidepull.
In this search I have realized that I have to go back yet another step to find out WHY my mare is so anxious and how to get her to RELAX. It will be better for both of us once we "peel the onion" back further. Getting to the root of the cause will usually cure all the other issues, however, it is thinking outside the box at this point as to what else may be the PROBLEM. Teeth, Chiro and Massages have been done/given - and with each of these I see a small improvement.
I don't believe in "drugs" to cure a problem, but was now wondering about the herbal calming products out there. I don't want them forever, but if I could get her to relax and stretch and feel better, I am hoping she will learn to do this on her own.
Has anyone tried these with any success? She is STUCK between "mind and body" - since we have done everything physical to get her to relax, we are now thinking it is a "past training" issue that has her fearful, anxious and tense.
We have: bonded, joined-up, play the 7 parelli games on line and at liberty, practice the lateral flex - on ground and on back. For those of you familiar with Pat Parelli and his Levels, the only thing that stops US from passing Level I is the last part of trotting consistently for 20 minutes - on the rail. She wants to speed up or slow down and will come off the rail at any given moment. I have ridden her in a "cherokee" bridle and the carrot stick in an arena - so her willingness is there - no bucking, biting or kicking vices whatsoever.
Do I resort to an "animal communicator" to give me the answers I can't find??
Thanks for all your support and suggestions - and if you want to tell me I am crazy for thinking about an animal communicator, please do so privately!! LOL.