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[RC] getting pulled , short story, long weekend - Judie Ricci
My horse Chief got his first pull of his career at Micheaux:( It was my fault, we were doing the 75. One of my favorite rides, actually my back up horse Max was signed up for the ride as Chief is signed up for the OD 100. When I arrived on Thursday with Max after work, I noticed he had an overreach on his right front, it wasn't bad and I went off on Friday to help mark trail, well, Max and I ended up riding at least 20 miles, Pat said maybe 25 by the time we got done getting lost , lots of rocks , we get back to camp, vet in and I go clean out the overreach and and Pete says Max didn't look right, after a while I take him out and he is off to the right, ( we trotted left around the cone for the vet) now we have at this time helped to talk Mary C. into doing the 75 and Barb has talked Kathy E. into the 75 so we would have enough people to get points, crap!! Well, Pete decides he will drive home (2 1/2) ge
t Chief for me to ride , and we can all get our points, Stan and Kathy were in camp so Doc.Duane says vet in in the morning ( before 5 am) I do and off we all go and about 2 hours into the ride my right knee starts to ache, the first loop is 25miles, I am limping around, Pete vets my horse and off Kathy and I go for loop 2. My knee is locked up and I am trying all kinds of creative ways to post , I tail up a huge hill thinking this will loosen it up, it didn't, we get lost several times due to trail sabotage, rode the last 4 or so miles in the rain, and get back to camp I ride to my trailer and get off and I can not use my leg at all, Chiefs back is sore because I couldn't ride him properly, I told Pete to be sure the vets really check his back carefully, and sure enough he is sore, so his first pull. he was fine in a short time, my leg got better in an hour and a half, and Kathy and Dare finished alone. Now I have to decide if my knee will make it 100 miles or
drop to the 50 at the OD. My leg has been fine , but I have not ridden more than 10 miles , although I have ridden this 10 miles 3 times since Sat.
The doc says no 100 , do the 50 and gave me Tylenol#3 to carry with. decisions, decisions, but the horse is grrreat!
Judie Ricci
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