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[RC] RWD 2005, Part 3 of 3 (long) - AprilRendezvous with Destiny 2005, part 3 of 3 Tanna thought he was done. Our 5 previous 50s each had 2 vet checks. So naturally, he thought he was done. Nope. So to try to get that across, I resaddled him shortly after vetting in. I left the girth loose and didn't do up the crupper or the breast collar. He was not amused. He stood there staring at me and looking disgusted. Clearly I was playing a joke on him and he didn't find it funny. He nibbled some at his beet pulp, but I don't think he ate very much. And again, no hay. Probably should have just let him think he was done and left the saddle off. No way to tell if that would have helped, though. Tanna was completely saddled and we went down to the out timers with 3 minutes left in our hold. I gobbled down some chips and finished my water before mounting. I asked Daniel to get my glove I'd left on my chair. And we were off. An hour and 10 minutes to do the 7 mile loop. Joe again told me to ride my ride and if he fell back to just leave him. Ok, I can do that. I hoped I wouldn't have to, but I would if it came to that. Off we went. We averaged a good 9 mph pace for the first mile or mile and a half. A good start. :-) We did have to slow down some, but we kept moving. One thing was the bugs were very bad on this loop. Just awful. Joe looked like he was riding in the middle of a bee hive. Kit was a magnet for those flies. I had remembered to spray Tanna's body with fly spray (Endure) and we were doing ok, but I'd forgot to put it on his face. I took advantage of some rough terrain to hop off and put Tanna's fly mask on. Fortunately, Daniel had put it back in my cantle bag during the last check. The plane runway was pretty fun. It was rutted, though, so we didn't take it at a full out gallop. A good canter worked nicely, though. Turn to the right and do a quick loop and then back to the runway. On the home stretch! We were averaging around 7.3 mph. Excellent. Right on time. We were gonna finish this! When we came out by the lake, Tanna was excited. He knew he had to be finished now. Joe and I discussed who should come in when and he graciously allowed me to cross ahead of him. We trotted and cantered in and I blasted across the finish line. 7.3 miles in 58 minutes (7.5 mph). I was so happy to be done! What a feeling of accomplishment! I immediately dropped off my horse and walked him in, telling him how he was the best horse ever. Our finish time was 5:48 PM. Twelve minutes to spare. Whew! 9 hours 48 minutes on trail. That's a long day. Time for BC stuff. I'd come in second, so I was eligible to stand for BC. I'd never done such before and honestly, I'd never even really paid attention to the procedures or the rules. I never dreamed I'd be top 10, so why worry about that? I went to the vet check area and dropped my saddle, helmet, hip pack, girth, breast collar, crupper, and sponge on the scales. I didn't have a halter handy, so we didn't weigh Tanna's bridle or reins. Joe graciously held my horse while I stepped on the scales. They started yelling out my weight and I cringed. Tamra, Joe's wife, noticed and said, "Don't worry, it's the SADDLE" :-) Yeah, right. But I appreciated the thought. :-) After I dragged all my stuff off the scales, I watched Joe weigh all his stuff. Then I offered water to Tanna and sponged him off a little and took him for his 10 minute CRI and his completion vet check. We completed! Whoo-hoo! My first genuine top ten endurance finish. :-) And second to Betsey Knight. What an honor! However, Tanna's vet scores were not the best. His muscle tone degraded to a C due to some tightness in his hindquarters. And his guts went down to a C. Dr. Habel chided me for not letting Tanna eat on the last loop. Yeah. Like we had a lot of time for that sort of thing! Guess I could have grazed him for 10 minutes just before the finish line? I was told I had an hour from our finish time to ready Tanna for his BC check. Ok. I walked Tanna back to the trailer (a 1/4 mile walk), let him graze some along the way and massaged his muscles while he grazed. Then we'd walk on and do it again. When we reached the trailer, I figured I had 30 minutes before I should head back to the vet check. I put beet pulp and hay in front of him. I tried hay first, but gave him the beet pulp soon after since he wasn't interested in the hay and I knew he needed to eat. While he ate, I draped his rump rug over his back and proceeded to rub him down with a wash cloth and cool water. I'd left my sponge at the vet check, so I had to improvise. Turned out the wash cloth worked quite well at getting the dirt off. Better than the sponge, I think. When I had him as clean as I was going to get him, I removed the rump rug and put his full cooler on him. I massaged him a bit more (nothing professional or even knowledgeable, just some gentle rubbing and manipulation of the muscles). Then it was time to head back for the BC judging. I had left time to linger, so Daniel and I meandered while Tanna grazed. Joe was headed up for his BC judging, too. We chatted a bit then I went ahead and went to the vet (Joe offered to let me be judged first). Dr. Mike said, "you know the drill, right?" I said, "nope, never done this before!" He told me to go out like for a regular trot out. Then make a large circle (that's what he said) in one direction. Stop, turn around. Make a large circle in the other direction and then trot back straight. Ok. So off I went. Tanna followed behind me as I ran out, circled this way and that, then ran back. Whew. Good thing they don't do a CRI on the rider! Dr. Mike then proceeded to check my horse all over. A really thorough vet check. He did all the regular stuff, but also really looked at his legs, feet, heel bulbs, tendons. Very interesting. Tanna's muscle tone score went up to a B (from a C at the completion check). He was sore in his back still, but no worse than at the 2nd vet check. And he was sore in his superficial digital flexors on the hinds. That was interesting to watch as I'd never checked those before. Now I know how to do that. I'd never seen a BC judging as they don't generally wait for the turtle to come in before doing BC judging. ;-) I hung around to watch Joe's horse, Kit, be judged. While Joe was out for the trot out, I found out they had made fun of me when I did my trot out. Apparently, I went far out and did huge circles. :-D They should mark it out with cones, then! LOL. After the judging was finished, they said it'd be 10 minutes before the awards meeting, so Daniel and I took Tanna and settled him back in his corral to roll and doze. Then we drove the small pickup back to the awards. Love having that extra vehicle. :-) There was a good number of people there for the awards! Considering the fact that everybody else had finished almost 3 hours (or more) sooner, it was nice that they had stayed for the awards meeting. 15 riders started the 25. 15 riders finished! 100% completion! Way to go guys! I have no idea who placed where. Sorry. 6 riders started the 50. 3 riders finished. The 2 riders behind Joe and myself came in too late from the 3rd loop to have time to do the last loop, so they didn't go back out. The other rider decided it was too much gravel and pulled. At least that's what I heard. Betsey Knight got first place in just over 7 hours ride time. She rode alone all day. Way ahead of us. I came in second (although it could just have easily been Joe that came in second...). And Joe came in 3rd and turtle. Joe's first turtle! And my first top ten! I find that interestingly ironic. ;-) Betsey's horse, obviously, got BC. Let's see. Weight divisions. Betsey got first lightweight. I got first featherweight. And Joe got first heavyweight. You can see we had tremendous compeition for those awards. ;-) I also got the middle of the pack award. Haha. It's a very nice water bottle and holder. I like that. I chose a keychain for my completion award. It's hanging on my cube wall at work. Very nice. :-) After the awards meeting, Daniel and I headed back to break camp. We were going to head home and allow Tanna to spend the night in his pasture. It was almost completely dark when I finally loaded Tanna and we headed off down the road. Daniel was driving the big truck pulling the trailer and I was driving the little pickup following him. We made it off base and headed towards I-24. But about a mile or two down the road, Daniel called me and said we had to find a place to pull off as the alternator light had come on. Fiddlesticks. We stopped and he checked the battery. Definitely not getting any extra juice from the alternator. So we high-tailed it back to Fort Campbell before our battery ran down. We did not want to be stuck on the side of the highway waiting for a parts place to open. We made it back to camp and camped near the pavilion next to another rider. Fortunately, she was just starting to go to bed so we didn't disturb her too much (I asked the next morning). Daniel pulled down most of the panels and we set up a pen for Tanna. I gave him food, water, hay and went to bed while Daniel went to chat with Dr. Habel and Lori at the pavilion. The next morning, Daniel took the small pickup into town and got a new alternator. After installation, we were good to go and headed home with no further incidents. So the wrap up. This was a tough ride. Hands down. This was not a walk in the park. I had to pay attention the entire time. It was a flat ride. But not an easy one. I really felt like I accomplished something when Tanna and I crossed the finish line. I earned that coin and I'm proud of it. The trail markings were great. Periodically through the course, Lori had put mileage on pie plates. Not every mile, but in a few spots. That was handy to check against my GPS and see what the comparison was. There was plenty of water on the trail. Between creek crossings, mud holes and the water trough Lori put out, there was water enough that I didn't bug Tanna to drink at every opportunity. Once he started drinking around mile 12, he picked his own water. Tanna is doing well. His back was much better Monday morning and his SDF were not sore at all. He was prancing around at the end of the lead rope in the morning. Blowing, snorting and tossing that Arabian head. That's unusual for him. He's usually quite calm in hand, but he was flying around being silly. I didn't get on to him too much because it was great to see him so spirited the morning after a 50. This was a great ride. If the Army consents to do this ride next year and Lori is willing to take up the ride manager mantle again, I'll be there next year. I might pad next year, though. There were a ton of people that helped at this ride. First and foremost, Lori! Thanks for taking the plunge and arranging this ride. You did a great job. Keep it up. Please do it again next year!! Second, the vets. Dr. Habel is a good, conscientious vet and I'm always happy to see him at rides. And the military vet that helped out. And all the volunteers. Too many to mention, but I'll try some of them. Roger, Eva, Lisa, Susan K (of course!), Sam (the out timer), the wonderful spotters that always had a smile and pointed us in the right direction. The ride photographers. And Joe. Thanks for helping me get through this ride. It sure would have been a lot less fun without you along! April Nashville, TN =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Ridecamp is a service of Endurance Net, http://www.endurance.net. Information, Policy, Disclaimer: http://www.endurance.net/Ridecamp Subscribe/Unsubscribe http://www.endurance.net/ridecamp/logon.asp Ride Long and Ride Safe!! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-