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[RC] update on grain founder horse - Jonni

He's been taken off grain for 72 hours, no anything but coastal hay.
(he's very irritated). <<<

Boy, she is the vet, but I'd take this horse off ALL grain!  Laminitis can
be very serious stuff.  If you have ever watched a horse with a bad case,
that turned in to founder, so bad the horses own system has it break open
with a "sore" around the whole cornary band, to release the pressure, and
the horses body is trying to discard its own foot,  you as the owner would
not give a flip if he is "irritated" by the lack of grain in his diet. I
never want to do this again, and my husband has not really been interested
in horses since we had to put his mare down from this in 1998.

I'd insist on some X-rays now.....to make sure there is no rotation, or
sinking. And, I'm with Chris, I'd look for another vet's opinion.

Here is a web site with lots of info. I know there are many more out there,
this is just the one I have bookmarked:




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