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Re: [RC] Great Gear--Now Grasspers - Dabney Finch

I use three at a time and plan to get a couple more (so there is one for each horse) because the bermuda we've been getting lately doesn't want to stay in a flake.

It's reallly easy with these Grasspers to pick up loose hay also, with a scooping motion, and then it's kind of fun to fling it over the fence into their big rubber feeders.

(OK, so almost anything to do with my beloved horses amuses me!)

----- Original Message ----- From: "Lynne Glazer" <anyone@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "'Ridecamp' ((E-mail))" <ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2005 5:22 PM
Subject: [RC] Great Gear

Lots of advice through the years here on products that make horsekeeping and endurance riding easier, just thought I'd put in a plug for a product I've been using for a year now.

Formerly fed oat-barley and/or 3 way, now feed Bermuda with a little alf. Feeding was always a messy proposition with either of those non- legume hays. We're not lucky enough to have pasture with genuine grasses, irrigation is too expensive in the desert.

Anyway I got two of these Grassper hay totes--they are pretty simple, netting material secured at each end by a covered dowel with nylon handles. Each holds up to 3 flakes, and it's really easy to let one handle go as I fling it over the fence into the feeders. Much less hay waste this way, and hay can be pre-staged to be fed by caregivers or stacked nicely in a wheelbarrow without falling over.

They're only $19.95, and have withstood the depradations of my filly foal who likes to try to sample from each as I go from feeder to feeder, they still look new. Designed by endurance riders.




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[RC] Great Gear, Lynne Glazer