An old-timer
trainer in our area uses something similar to this....he smiply attaches a
length of chain to the strap above the knee, so every time the horse paws, the
chain slaps the leg. He doesn't use the rope over the back, but I can see
how this would be useful if you're not there watching the entire time. What if
the horse is kicking with it's back legs though?
One piece of
clotheline about 10 feet long(looped over the= horse's back),tied to
two dog collars (put on above the= knees),two pieces of WIDE leather
strap about 10 inches= long(going down the shin from the dog
collar),and two pieces of= scrap 2x4 about 8 inches long(90 degrees
from the strap/horse's= shin). THWACK! You'll need four wood screws and
four rivets.