Last Sunday, FX Arabian Sport Horses held an endurance clinic that was specifically directed toward riders that wanted to try 100 mile rides. The interest in 100s is out there, at least in the PS region, as we had 30 endurance riders attend giving up an entire Sunday in which they could have been out riding. Out of the 30 riders attending, only three had never ridden a 50 mile ride, so the majority were experienced endurance riders. Several of those attending indicated that they would be trying their first 100 mile ride sometime this ride season.
Our panel of speakers were all experienced 100 mile riders that covered the spectrum of the 100 mile distance. I think this appealed to the attendees as they were able to learn from experienced riders that ride for placement and from riders that ride for completion only. Our panel included a rider that came from a training background and one that came from a running background. We also had one that specialized in the Tevis Cup, and one that had FEI experience.
The feedback I have received from those that attended has all been very positive. Many of those attending indicated that they learned allot and enjoyed the panel format. There were a couple riders that said that they didn't get a whole lot of new information BUT what they realized is that they were more ready to try a 100 than they thought before the clinic.
As the organizer of the clinic, I found it to be a positive experience overall and I encourage others that are committed to the 100 mile distance to put on a seminar or clinic. I was impressed by the turn out as I never would have expected to have that this many riders would be interested in attending an endurance clinic. I was overwhelmed by the effort made by the speakers who volunteered their time, not only on Sunday, but in writing and putting together hand outs for the attendees. They are certainly committed to seeing growth in the 100 mile distance and were willing to do more then lip service. I would also like to thank Lynne Glazer for donating to the drawing and would like to encourage endurance riders to support Cowboy Magic products, Trailrite products, and Trailrite Training Center as they also made donations for the drawing.