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Re: [RC] Signatures - Diane Trefethen

I could be mistaken but I don't think JT has anything against signatures per se. It's just that the bandwidth to transmit each character in an email costs money and Ridecamp has a limited supply of that! When you transmit an email to RC, that's just one email but RC must then turn that email around and send it out to what, 600? "subscribers" besides archiving it. If you like what a poster has to say, his/her email address is at the top of the posting, often along with name too, so why does the poster have to repeat that info at the bottom in a signature? KISS! A signature consisting of Ranchname, Businessname, 3 lines of address, 2 email addresses, 3 urls, 2 phone numbers, a fax line, Name and Horse's name to make the signature look "personal", and an incredibly perceptive quotation all surrounded by two rows of stars or other cutesy foo-foo takes up as much bandwidth as a short, on-topic post.


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Re: [RC] Signatures, Chrystal