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[RC] Stud fees - Ridecamp Guest

Please Reply to: Peter Mileo ctyslcr@xxxxxxx or ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

I've been reading the comments on Stud Fees and how some feel they are too high 
for endurance or performance type horses.  I must say for the most part I 
disagree.  You can find value if you want to pay attention and look.  We run a 
stallion service auction with NASTR.  Over the last few years we have been 
fortunate thanks to some gracious stallion owners to have some wonderful, 
athletic stallions in our auction.  Many of them are featured for 3 months or 
so on our web page and in NASTR ads in Endurance News and go without bids.  
This year we put together the deepest group of stallions ever.  We had top 
Endurance performers and sires, top Dressage and Sport Horse performers and 
some younger horses from endurance pedigrees.  Again we had horses that were 
not bid on.  We had horses that people didn't even ask about.  I think that the 
problem is many people don't know how to evaluate an individual and the 
individuals pedigree and bypassed some excellent values.  Most had opening bids 
of $300 with a couple at $500, %750 and $1000.  We posted our auction on 
Ridecamp, various Yahoo groups and other Internet sites.  We ran a full page ad 
in Endurance News and one or two smaller ads.  Our auction was a success and we 
thank those that were generous enough to donate a breeding to their stallions.  
Hope to have you again next year.

Peter Mileo

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