I posted on this before, but as yet not seen the
Who won the WEC? There is a MAJOR breakdown
in FEI procedures here and it makes all the protocol before, during and after an
event seem trivial. If the OC (which was the #3 Shiek) pulled a stunt of
'false' drug testing?? at the Awards so his rival was out and he moved up a
notch, only to have FEI disallow their 'results', then FEI and the UAE
should both be embaressed on this one. FEI, because of the breakdown and
uncertain aura of 'who won what' at the oh so Prestigious WEC, or the OC who did
the testing to disallow a winner and BC. With the sportsmenship
shown by one country knocking out one of their own goes to show a
lack of intregrity and that national pride is singular. Personally, I
don't give a hoot about it all, but its just so FUNNY I have to follow it thru
to the end and an.....Offical Conclusion. And maybe it already has been and
the FEI web-page IS the conclusion and they just want to give the medals to
a bunch of folks and make everyone happy and a Winner. Yes John, its
:( ts