[RC] Long rider - PatOlivatiggerGene Glasscock is a 69 year old who is riding to every state capitol in the US. Gene has been on the trail since Sept 2002 For info on this 22,000 mile trek look up -thelongridersguild.com.I helped this gentleman on his trek through Maryland. He is how in LA. (He will leave Baron Rouge tomorrow 2/26 and anticipates 5 to 6 weeks before reaching Austin, TX.? He will be traveling on US 190 from Baron Rouge to Ragley, LA where he will pick up LA 12 which will take him to Starks and then to Beaumont, TX.? From Beaumont he will probably take US 290 into Austin) Gene is traveling with two horses and is riding every mile except where it is necessary to be trailered over bridges or on ferries. If there is anyone on or near the route shown who can help in any way or would allow him to camp on their place please contact me at patolivatigger@aolcom This remarkable man has already ridden from the Arctic Circle to the Equator Thanks Pat