I'm going to play dumb, but what is the purpose for beet
pulp? While I'm at it, I'm a newbie wannabe with an 11 y.o. TW,
preparing to put her into training this weekend, using a hot-walker, she
has been still since November, this is the worst winter for Kentucky
trying to prepare for anything, but, how much work? Would walking
10miles the first day be too much? How about daily increases? Or take
every other day off...and what about speed increases? Will a month be enough?..I will be changing
work loads so I can take over then. Thanks, Dixie
Does anyone know the amount of beet pulp that
needs to be fed in order to be beneficial to the horse's digestive
system. I'm currently feeding about a quart, twice a day, soaked for several
hours. The horse doesn't have any problem yet, and I'd like to keep it that