[RC] Hoping this freeze doesn't last... - Suzi Maiorisi
in South Texas. I'm planning to go to High Roller next weekend and
this will be my first ride in the cold on my own. We'll (me and my horse)
be 'camping' in our 2H BP, got a heater for in the trailer at night, but I would
appreciate any help/hints/ideas at all I can get for caring for her during the
ride. We're having some pretty cold weather now...of course it could be
back to 70 degrees and sunny by then, but I'd like to be prepared either
way. I know there are plenty of you out there who would be warm in the
current 30 degree weather (wind chill in the teens) that we're having right now
and I'm sure you have ideas (other than staying in camp!) on how to manage to
keep yourself and your horse going thru the ride.