Boy, I’m just about sure that this question has been
asked some time before, so I apologize for the repeat. I am trying to get
used to e-lyting my horses, only because of all the information I have read so
far. It is clear that most articles related to endurance support the
importance of e-lyting your horses, especially during strenuous exercise and
endurance events. The way it is explained is no rocket science and it all
makes sense.
In my case, however, my horses show me in every way
they can that they are not happy with electrolytes. As many of you
probably have the same issue, my horses will not touch any food or water after
I have administered e-lytes. Somebody suggested to administer a syringe
of water following the electrolytes, to eliminate the salty aftertaste,
etc. I have had no luck. My horses just stand there with the
saddest look, unmotivated and not touching food or water for the LONGEST
Mind you that during any of my previous top-10 finishes, my
horse consistently had excellent scores relating to hydration, and taking up
with water at their free will never was an issue – neither was
eating. That was before I ever used electrolytes. (And those were
top 10 finishes with great vet-scores)
I know some very successful endurance riders that compete at
high level events and do not touch electrolytes and simply believe to “listen”
to your horse. If your horse does not drink or eat, he’s being
Anyway, as I’m not ready to give up the idea of electrolytes quite yet, I
was wondering if some of you are using some other “mixture” of
things. Currently I’m using…oh gosh, can’t think of the
name at the moment and I’m at the office right now. It’s the
black and yellow tube, something about “3 minute lytes” (or
something like that).
At the Death Valley Ride, I watched Heather Reynolds at both
vet-stops and she seemed to have something that she may have mixed herself, and
it seemed to work. After she administered it to her horses (hers and
Jeremy’s), their horses continued drinking and eating. So, not to
exhaust the subject, perhaps some of you could share with me on what you’re
using when it comes to electrolytes.