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Re: [RC] Yet another Panacur Purge question -
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Re: [RC] Dogs in RC - Magnumsmom
Some people have to travel long distances by themselves
to attend endurance rides. For those having a dog along
is not only good company but also protection... especially
for the women in our sport. I would hate for those people
to have to travel alone because a well behaved and cared
for dog was not allowed.
That said, they should be kept under control at all times.
All of them. If they can't get along, they can be in the
truck or in the trailer. Else, tied, or on leash. Barking,
like stallions calling, should not be allowed in ridecamp.
Tektronics has a very effective bark limiting collar for not
a whole lot of money ($110) that will keep a dog quiet if
left in the trailer while the owner is on the trail.
At every ride I've ever been at where there was a notice
about loose dogs, there were loose dogs and nothing
was done. Except SASO. (There's always one). I'm
not naming names, but there was a dog near the vetting
area even at Barbara's ride (she probably didn't see it).
It appears to me that sometimes you and your dog
needing to obey the ride rules is directly related to who
you are and who you know.
Kathy Myers
in Santa Fe, NM
[RC] Stallions calling
Kristen A. Fisher
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Re: [RC] Yet another Panacur Purge question -
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[RC] Stallions calling