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[RC] Loose dogs -
Heather Bonneau
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Re: [RC] [RC] rump rugs -
[RC] Tendons - Magnumsmom
Having gone through a bad injury on my old TB (that got worse
before it got better) and a minor tendon sheath injury (not tear)
on my Arab, I can tell you what worked for me.
I can say that turning either one of them out would *NOT* have
worked at all. I'd still have 2 lame horses.
A 20 x 40 foot pen does work... with good footing, but not too
soft. Think stall mats, not deep footing.
I do not have the UC Davis Tendon rehab here with me at work,
but I know it's in the archive as I've posted it several times. I
believe the last time I named the email "UC Davis Tendon Rehab"
or something like that.
Both horses recovered fully, though the TB does not do endurance
and he has other issues with that leg. (He had a condalyr fracture
of the left fore at age 4 involving 1/3 of the bone and the joint, but he
also got great surgury / treatment from UC Davis and is sound.)
Blue, the arab has not had any lameness issues at all.
Per hand walking, yes, it was irritating but it is very necessary. Some
days I think all the horse did was jig around me in circles for the entire
20 minutes. Do Not let them get away! Unfortunately it just something
that needs to be done.
As I found out with the TB, if you let them reinjure the tendon and area
you have to start over and then it takes 2 - 3 times longer to heal.
Kathy Myers
in Santa Fe, NM
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[RC] Loose dogs -
Heather Bonneau
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[RC] Loose dogs