I need advice about my water loving boy. He is a
youngster (5 yr old) and water is his TOY. When I ride him he will gladly go in
water puddles, streams, etc. except he wants to play, "root" around, paw
vigorously and always wants to ROLL in it. I have tried a crop when he
wants to go down, which is every time he is in water--and he is quick! And I
have tried getting off his back and letting him experience the water from the
shore. I've tried putting him in the flowing part of the river but that doesn't
bother him in the least. But when he gets near water, he goes crazy to get in
there and get it on his body. (He should have his own pool to soak and roll
in.;-) I don't want this to be a negative experience but 2 times I've been on
his back when he has gone down, like I said--very quickly, and i've gotten
pretty darn wet! He has also come pretty close to jumping into the water
barrels at rides!
------Karla and my "water-loving-boy"
Leo/Portland, Oregon