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[RC] Sprouting feed for horses - Lif Strand

I know that a few ride campers (or former ride campers) have experimented with sprouting seeds for nutritional benefit for horses. I'm wondering if anyone on this list is into that now, or has experience with it. If so, would appreciate some advice and suggested guidelines (are some seeds toxic? are some sprouts toxic? anything else important to know?) we have a long winter up here at my altitude in New Mexico and if I could figure out a way to do it that wouldn't break my bank account, I'd like to fool around with sprouting seeds for my horses for green fodder over the winter.

About 20 years ago we experimented with sprouting oats in 5 gal buckets, but it turned out that the horses didn't like the oat sprouts.

           Lif Strand * Quemado NM USA *


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