[RC] Transitioning from Miami to Oregon terrain -- need some help - LTYearwood
Hi Everyone,
Now that Vashka and I are in Oregon, we have a lot of getting used to the terrain to do! It's a BIG change, going from completley flat to almost all ups and downs.
Vashka is very bold and willing. In fact he's so bold and willing that I have to learn to hold him back, so he doesn't hurt himself. Something I never had to do before.
Last Sunday, I hate to admit, I was unable and partly unwilling to pull him back and he came up sore. This was my fault and I learned a big lesson about getting my ego out of the way and about riding my own ride.
I am now determined to start our conditioning on a serious note and to cut way, way back on the length and difficulty of our rides.
Is there anyone out there who has made this kind of transition successfully? I would love to hear from you.
Also, I have been told to check into electrolytes and or vitamin B -- to help Vashka have the extra energy this transition is taking. I have ordered from ABC before but the shipping is so expensive. Any other, less costly alternatives?