Title: Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch
How much weight you lose depends…I’ve
lost well over 10 pound at times. It depends on how much time you spend
on the ground. (Running, tailing, etc) If you are “working”
like the horse, you will lose weight. I assumed this was the reason for
the 4%. I could probably make Middleweight and have a much better chance
of getting an award (Too many “tiny hineys” in the Lightweight) if
I were willing to carry enough “stuff” to move up. I weigh 155-160
in my skivvies. However, I feel my true weight division is Lightweight…so
there I will stay…personal decision. What people are willing to do
to ride in a specific division, as long as it is within the rules, is perfectly
OK with me. If you don’t like it, lobby the BOD to “adjust”
My preference would be to drop all tack
and water from the weight….just what’s on your “body”.
You “choose” to carry “stuff”. You don’t
have to, just like you don’t have to carry a GPS, or a heart monitor.
Jim, Sun of Dimanche+, and Mahada Magic
From: ridecamp-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:ridecamp-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On
Behalf Of Truman Prevatt Sent: Friday, October 29, 2004
3:58 PM To: rides2far@xxxxxxxx Cc: lkinsky@xxxxxxxxxx;
ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: Re: [RC] Weight
I would always lose between 5 to 10 pounds on a 100 -
above or at the 4% margin. Sometimes I even lose that on a 50. However, if you
took into account tack, pad, bridle, bit, etc, it probably would be within the
4%. So as always - no one size fits all and your mileage may vary. If I
were on the cusp between divisions, I'd ride down. I sure wouldn't carry junk
to stay in a heavier division - my poor horse is the one that ends up carrying
it. Hopefully by next year - after this diet - Joe Schoech and Jerry Fruth will
no longer have to worry about me as a HW ;-)!