Re: [RC] UAE Involvement in AERC Functions - DVeritas
In a message dated 10/25/2004 9:19:13 AM Mountain Standard Time, heidi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:
Just another perspective...
The only perspective I care about is the "perspective" of a three year old boy waiting to be raped, beaten, and so forth.
I am not speaking as to "ideaology" or "cultures", Heidi.
In my life, I have done things of which I am not proud.
In my life, I have done things of which I am very proud.
Standing by and silently "protesting" the mistreatment of a child will not ever be something I do...regardless of where that child might be.
Even the "appearance" of impropiety where children are involved should never be tolerated...and what I know of the treatment of the (socalled) "camel jockeys" in the UAE far transcends "impropiety".