In a message dated 10/22/2004 10:03:17 PM Pacific Standard Time,
katswig@xxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:
If one
is of the mindset that pretty is as pretty does, there is no such thing as
"a competent horse that is butt-ugly." The more competent the horse
the more beautiful it is.
I'll never forget my first trip to the Tevis in the early 80's. I walked
through the fairgrounds and looked at all the horses that were waiting to be
trailered up to Squaw Valley for the ride start. I just shook my head looking in
wonder at the "ugly" and usually scrawny Arabs standing quietly in their
Then I watched the front runners coming into Robinson Flat (first 1 hour
hold) and I could not describe to you my feelings. These were the most beautiful
horses I had ever seen. It put a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes. Tails
up, eyes flashing, nostrils flared... perfectly tuned machines doing what they
loved to do. Just beautiful!