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Re: [RC] Minors in Tevis - SandyDSA

For the sake of my own children, I disagree. While there may well be some cases of discrimination based on age, which may even be justified for certain reasons, in many cases, it is simply and profundly based on assumption of maturity, capability and responsibility. I fo one would HATE to see 13 year olds behind the wheel of a car (though I hate to see some ADULTS there as well), and in addition, no matter the mental booklearning and IQ, would never allow a 14 year old to do heart surgery on me, either. "Children" should not be married, as has been consistently demonstrated; nor should they be....renting cars. It is not a matter of looking down on them, it is very clearly and simply managing the maturity factor. That is why human "pups" HAVE parents, since they cannot fully care for themselves. While a foal can rise and awlk within hours, sometimes minutes, a human "foal" takes a year or more.
    The clear difference between limits for youth and the aged (while some discriminatory action IS justified, since it would be idiotic to allow someone with no sight to drive)is that an elderly person HAS maturity; they need to still perform well enough to rent that car or do the job they apply for, but the maturity is clearly not in question. That cannot be said for the general population of 13,, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,...year olds. You get the idea.
    The day a 17 year old is self-sufficient AND can take care of their own ersponsibilities - including defending action agains them should they bash their car into another or injure another rider - without such action being directed at their parents, then my position could change. Until then the one getting the free ride doesn't have the right to steer the ship; and experience is still the best teacher, of both skill and maturity. Assuming one is "good enough" to be exempt or that there should not be rules to goveern one's behavior creates chaos.