On the subject of snakes: my two
wonderful city cats (we moved to 12 acres in March) have been bringing in
'entertainment' for the past couple of months. First it was lizards (all
now without tails), then it was birds, then it was mice (great when you have a
guest over spending the night) - all of which they bring in to "play with"
show us their new hunter skills and then grow bored with (hence we end up
having to get them OUT of the house). . . but NOW it's SNAKES!!!
*Okay, I know this is getting OT but
hard to contain myself.....I can only hope that this is a wake up call and you
care enough for your wonderful cats that you will keep them inside before they
are struck by rattlers....for your sake since you care for them......This will
then solve the problem of all the native reptiles, amphibians and birds your
well fed city cats are MURDERING...... at a totally unfair advantage and
"housecats" are NOT a part of the ecosystem of this country!!! How many
lizards and ground nesting birds have to die to "entertain" your cats?
Reptiles, amphibians and birds are protected here from my pets and kids....and
did you know that a healthy population of
them is an pretty good indication of a
clean, non-contaminated environment? Fortunately our one cat has never
shown any interest in hunting....or she would be an inside cat or not living
here. I will never have an outside cat again.....much prefer the native
wildlife. Consider yourself lucky to have any....our quality of life will
be far diminished when we have surrounded ourselves only with domesticated