[RC] complicated politics in Iraq and the carribean and 3rd world countries - Mary Ann Spencer
Tom, You are right about the peace not being so
easy. That is due to the stores of ammo not being destroyed and
the sudden unemployment of an army that was over 400,000 and well
trained. The majority of the Iraqis want to get on with their lives but
they are in a 'codependent mode' after living under Saddam. ie
an abused population that will need time to heal and get on with their
lives. Stashes of gold and other valuables have been found here and
there throughout the country. We need the Roosevelt attitude:
"Speak softly and carry a big stick." Untili the security is
improved, the humanitarian process will be very slow.
First, we did not destroy the country in Iraq so
there would be less to rebuild.
2nd, there was a lack of knowledge of the real
situation in Iraq and it was way worse than initially thought.
3rd. We have to play by 'rules of engagement'
and the enemy doesn't. 4th It onlyl takes a few to mess up things for the
majority, even in USA.
4th Third world countries always have large
casualties during bad storms or earthquakes, etc and for the most part their
society accepts. Must be careful not putting our value system on that of a
3rd world country. As long as they reproduce without the ability to take
care of the offspring, there will be major problems with high casualites during
disasters. Most of the rest of the world does NOT have the value on
animals and children that we have in the USA.