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Re: [RC] Questiions about Gelding a Colt-insurance rant - Maryanne Stroud Gabbani

Oh, how I love living in a country where the words "liability insurance" are unknown!!! (Imagine here a dumpy 55 yr old woman turning handsprings and dancing around her garden).

To clarify, I'm known for my propensity for gelding almost anything that wanders onto my property. With 16 dogs, I have only 3 that aren't neutered, and one of those is scheduled for a few months from now once her 2 pups are weaned. The other two are a pedigree breeding pair of Rat Terriers. Of my male equids, only George the donkey is still ungelded, but he's due in a couple of weeks.

HOWEVER, I think that the way the insurance companies try to run your lives is absolutely aggravating. Hey, none of us are going to last forever anyway. I work hard to have well socialised animals, maintained equipment and all the other things to ensure my safety and the safety of my friends and passersby. But I really hate being told by some company that I "can't" do this or that. Jeez World, lighten up. What happened to people taking risk into account in their decisions? Probably drowned in a cup of MacDonalds coffee.

Maryanne Stroud Gabbani
Cairo, Egypt

"The trail is the thing, not the end of the trail. Travel too fast and you miss all you are traveling for" Louis L'Amour

On Tuesday, Sep 21, 2004, at 07:16 Africa/Cairo, Toni Jones wrote:

The one thing no one brought up about standing a stallion is the insurance.
And don't think that just because your insurance has the name "Farmers" or "Farm" or "Ranch" or "Grange" or "Country" in it... that you have the proper type of farm insurance... you most likely do not for standing a stallion... it's different for llamas or cows or other types of livestock breeding operations... horses are "special" from an insurance standpoint. If you are getting away with it at this point, don't tell your agent you have a stallion, they don't want to know or be reminded...
Unless you have a farm policy specifically related to "standing a stallion".... you will find that your normal "home owner" policy will NOT cover you for a horse related claim. I found that on my small piece of property, with a small shedrow, and one stallion and 1 mare that belonged to me I was looking at around $2,000 a year for the "proper" kind of insurance vs. $600 for normal private homeowners policy.
If you use a stud farm for outside mares then you can be ok from an insurance point of view. But if you bring outside mares on your property, just having them sign a piece of paper saying they will not hold you liable will NOT save your hide in court if something happens to that mare you are found liable for. It is highly recommended you have "care, custody? & control" also as a clause on your farm policy... that can run an additional $1,000 per year depending on the value of the mares visiting your stallion. This clause can also cover a boarding situation, but check it out before assuming anything.
You also need to make sure your stallion has liability on him specifically for when you go to rides, shows, etc. some farm policies include this, some have it as a rider, like the care, custody & control. If you train and have seminars at your "facility"... then that is more added expense. And, of course, mortality is a must on him if he's worth anything at all for breeding... we won't go into the infertility clause, or the loss of use clause, or the extra options for colic surgery.... Can you see how many mares you? need to breed per year to cover this insurance? They'll also ask you what kind of dogs you have and if it is the "bad" kind... they will up the rates or refuse to insure you. I see that happening on normal homeowner policies now anyway.
Go geld your colt.... both of you will be happier. As long as the sire is alive, most will seek him out to breed to anyway.
I've had a stallion for 7 years, and now he's a gelding.
Central Oregon

[RC] Questiions about Gelding a Colt, Toni Jones