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[RC] opinions - heidiInteresting post Truman, but why haven't these people come back? Tom's been gone for
ages. I'm sure they know he's not here anymore, so what might be keeping them away? Hmmm.....maybe the same reason we see people disappear or unsubscribe about every LD arguement or the gossip on whose horse died and why their owner should be whipped alive in the town square. As for me caring or not caring about what people think about my posts, that has nothing to do with Tom's board. Irrelevant. Just interesting to me to see the hackles rise on the people who do care what I post. Rules are rules, or so I tell my son and they are made to be followed. I only posted in defense of another board of which I am a member and have personal knowledge. I see the quality of those posts, the people (vets too) who post there, the precise on topic replies, the help horses and owners have received and I appreciate the forum and even the way Tom runs it. Like Jeannie said, it makes you think before you type and hit send, and can that really be a bad thing? As for the bowed tendon, does that mean any riders who have this problem shouldn't be posting questions about their horses to this or any list? Interesting, as my personal vet (endurance vet too I might add) confers with Tom. ( He doesn't post on either list, I think he's just to busy!) Obviously if one has a diagnosis such as the two I mentioned, then they HAVE seen a vet. Doesn't mean one can't learn more, or apply another approach or ask more questions to knowledgable people. That said, I must reiterate, the number of red hot on fire posts in the past month here outnumber Tom's board at least 50:1 Tom's name seems to fuel the fire here, but if you've read his board you're missing some fascinating information for any horse owner. I still will post serious health issues there and the lighter and more fun stuff here. Heidi Larson Truman Prevatt <tprevatt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: come on Heidi, go to the archives - hopefully they go back to '97 and '98 and read the post. The last time Gayle Ecker posted was when Ivers head long thumping his chest in a rabid attack on her. Gayle has more info in her database on endurance horses that just about everyone else combined. I don't blame her - why does she need that aggrivation. The loss of people like Gayle was a big loss to this forum. I remember when Dane Frazier would post. I remember when Mike Tomlinson would post. I remember when other vets - very good vets - like Kim Henninman would post. They all stop posting about the time of Ivers.Coincidence, maybe yes maybe no. You have every right to subscribe to Ivers list if you want. While you might not like that everyone doesn't agree with you on some of your issues on this list - you still have the right to express your opinion without being thrown off the list as do the others on this list. For that you should be thankful. Sure this list gets carried away on occasion - for the most part it is fairly civil. If I had a tone suspensory or a torn tendon or any other horse related issue, I'd call my local vet and if he suggested take it to one of the clinics in Ocala or to the UF vet clinic that's where I'd go. I sure would not ask any list. Cheers Truman Heidi-aerc#M20935 /\_/\~ http://www.synjinarts.com ~~/~~ \\~~~~ (Wildlife/Western & Equine / O> ) \~~~~~ Art) / __/ \~~~~~~ (_@_/ | \~~~~ | \~~~~~~ | \~~~~
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