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Re: [RC] Hoosier daddy ride-thanks RM! - Jon . Linderman

The reason everyone CAN NOT read, Dave, is that no one supports this little
tirade regarding your wife's t-shirt.  Unless I am mistaken  you didn't
even ride the ride. I think I speak for most RCers when I say that if we
have to decide between having an imperfect  ride next year where we might
not get our t-shirts (particularly if we scurry off early) or joining your
little one man boycott, its a no-brainer, we are all riding. I'd gladly
send you a truck load of completion shirts, but I am afraid my XL's will be
far too big on you!

I disagree that the trails were improperly marked.  I rode the 50 the same
day as your wife.  Te trail markings  were vandalized, not improperly
marked, and I did (God forbid!)  take out my map at least once.  You've
progressed (or regressed) from bashing the RM's for essentially a trivial
private issues between you and them, to informing us that one of the more
esteemed trail guru's, Jerry Fruth & his helpers, don'tt know how to
properly mark trails?  You know even if it was true I'd be a bit careful
maligning a fairly decent sized guy who rides a stallion with a big old
machette strapped on his saddle.

No this ride wasn't perfect.  No one said it was perfect.  But it sure
wasn't for a lack of effort on the part of the Kessee's, Fruth's DeMott's &
others & thats why I'll gladly come back.  I respect effort.  If I were the
Kesee's after reading this whining I'd say the heck w/it and just ride next
year.  And as far as $$$ goes, my good friend whos both a CPA & one heck of
an RM, could quickly educate you how fast 10K turns into a pitance.  You
are trashing some awfully good folks who do alot for our sport here in the
MW & its exactly why we lose good people.  To quote Janet:

".....what have you done for me late-ly?".

Try being gracious & please let us all know what ride you will be the RM
at next year so we can come experience perfection.

As for promising to be a pain in the a&* to RM's..........not at any ride I
am at, and certainly not at any ride I am working at.  Count on it!


                     Ridecamp Guest                                            
                     <guest-owner@xxxxxxxx        To:       
                     rance.net>                   cc:                          
                     Sent by:                     Subject:  [RC]   Hoosier 
Daddy Ride                                                     
                     08/23/2004 12:01 PM                                       

Please Reply to: SAN gtreno19@xxxxxxxxx or ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

For everyone who CANNOT read - we had made arrangements to have the awards
picked by a neighbor - the ride management REFUSED to give them the
t-shirts! Management was busy and we did not want to interrupt but next
time I will and be the biggest pain in the ass until I get the awards!
This was NOT the picture perfect ride the everyone is describing - the
trails were NOT marked correctly - many of the 50 milers on the first day
(placing 19-25) had problems and spent more than 30 minutes lost and had to
go back to camp and get the ride manager.

Count me out for this one - btw the ride manager collected over $10K on
this ride - think he could spring for postage that he promised!

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