Re: [RC] Horse Cover Ups at Rides? - Ed & Wendy Hauser
I learned to ride in MN and WI. MW riders
carry lots of blankets etc. Cold rain is the worst. I carry for each
Water proof sheet. (a cheap cotton canvas one
saturated with lots of Thompson's Water Seal)
A wool blanket (the kind race tracks use under a
regular cooler to absorb sweat)
A warm quilted blanket.
a couple of polar fleece coolers.
Before a ride I don't do much blanketing,
unless the horse seems cool. Note: our horses at home are out, unblanketed
24/7 even in WI and MT winters. The coldest night time temps they
have seen is about -35 F.
During a ride we use what ever it takes to keep
warm and dry. Sometimes that is a lot of blankets. Seems to work
best if tack is pulled when you come in and immediately put blankets on rear
half of horse, even while putting water on front.
After a ride, blanket if the night is at all
cool. You have to put hands under the blanket to feel how warm and/or
sweaty the horse is. Some horses need many more blankets than
others. I had a Paint mare that would sweat under an insulated blanket
even in a sleet storm, but she was the exception.
Ed & Wendy Hauser 2994 Mittower
Road Victor, MT 59875